Esimet is honored to have INDICAM as Honorary Member with voting right -
Proud member of European Policy Center - EPC

Who can become a member
Who can became a member
Companies-Brand owners
Law firms established in Greece and abroad
Single Lawyers
Mediators and Alternative Dispute Resolutions Experts *
Institutions and Authorities (Universities, Chambers of Commerce, Private and Public Organizations, Customs etc.)
Individuals involved in the protection of intellectual property rights against infringement and counterfeiting
Advertising Companies
Consumers Associations
Membership Cost
Membership cost
Membership costs are different and are based according to the category that you belong.
A specific registration form is sent in order to be evaluated.
Entry fee for the examination of the entry: 150,00€ [paid only one time] plus VAT. Foreign companies, law-firms, mediators etc are excluded from VAT
A new Registration form will be uploaded very soon.
Important Notice.
1. The Association would like to inform all the future applicants that the Association maintains the right to reject a registration request form in case the information given is not true or elements are missing etc. Reasons for rejection will be sent to the applicant.
2. In order for the Association to be able to communicate her Members to her website, needs previous authorization. Otherwise, the Association will not be able to communicate with her members through the website and to other Associations including Greek Associations.
Mediation in Greece
Mediation and Ip in Greece
Soon with you !
Honorary Member
Honorary Member
Esimet is honoured to have as an honorary member with voting rights INDICAM - Instituto di Centromarca per la lotta alla Contraffazione. and our association truly acknowledge the assistance and the guidance of Indicam. Esimet considers INDICAM as her mentor.
If you wish to become a member of Indicam, please contact INDICAM. The personnel of Indicam is highly qualified to assist you further